
Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9th – 13th June 2014

Proceedings can be downloaded here.

Individual papers

Session 1 – Co-creation

  Anna Kantosalo, Jukka M. Toivanen, Ping Xiao
and Hannu Toivonen

From Isolation to Involvement: Adapting Machine Creativity Software to Support Human-Computer Co-Creation  Liane Gabora and Simon Tseng
The Social Impact of Self-Regulated Creativity on the Evolution of Simple versus Complex Creative Ideas  Robert Tubb and Simon Dixon
A Four Strategy Model of Creative Parameter Space Interaction

Session 2 – Visual Arts

  David Norton, Derrall Heath and Dan Ventura
Autonomously Managing Competing Objectives to Improve the Creation and Curation of Artifacts  Tatsuo Unemi
Automated Daily Production of Evolutionary Audio Visual Art – An Experimental Practice  Nicholas Davis, Yanna Popova, Ivan Sysoev,
Chih-Pin Hsiao, Dingtian Zhang and Brian Magerko

Building Artistic Computer Colleagues with an Enactive Model of Creativity

Session 4 – Videogames

  Antonios Liapis, Georgios N. Yannakakis
and Julian Togelius

Computational Game Creativity  Michael Cook and Simon Colton
Ludus Ex Machina: Building A 3D Game Designer That Competes Alongside Humans

Session 6 – Poetry

  Jukka M. Toivanen, Oskar Gross and Hannu Toivonen
The Officer Is Taller Than You, Who Race Yourself!
Using Document Specific Word Associations in Poetry Generation
  Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira, Raquel Hervás, Alberto Díaz and Pablo Gervás
Adapting a Generic Platform for Poetry Generation to Produce Spanish Poems  Joanna Misztal and Bipin Indurkhya
Poetry Generation System With an Emotional Personality  Fam Rashel and Ruli Manurung
Pemuisi: A Constraint Satisfaction-based Generator of Topical Indonesian Poetry

Session 7 – Music

  Daniel Johnson and Dan Ventura
Musical Motif Discovery in Non-musical Media  François Pachet and Pierre Roy
Non-Conformant Harmonization:
The Real Book in the Style of Take 6
  Anna Jordanous, Daniel Allington and Byron Dueck
Using Online Networks to Analyse the Value of Electronic Music  Maria Navarro, Juan Manuel Corchado
and Yves Demazeau

A Musical Composition Application Based on a Multiagent System to Assist Novice Composers

Session 8 – Evaluation

  Oliver Bown
Empirically Grounding the Evaluation of Creative Systems: Incorporating Interaction Design  Kazjon Grace and Mary Lou Maher
What to Expect when you’re Expecting: The Role of Unexpectedness in Computationally Evaluating Creativity  Anna Jordanous
Stepping Back to Progress Forwards: Setting Standards for Meta-Evaluation of Computational Creativity  Simon Colton, Alison Pease, Joe Corneli,
Michael Cook and Maria Teresa Llano

Assessing Progress in Building Autonomously Creative Systems

Session 9 – Evaluation/Data

  Diarmuid P. O’Donoghue, James Power, Sian O’Briain, Feng Dong, Aidan Mooney, Donny Hurley, Yalemisew Abgaz and Charles Markham
Can a Computationally Creative System Create Itself? Creative Artefacts and Creative Processes  Francesco Barbieri and Horacio Saggion
Automatic Detection of Irony and Humour in Twitter  Babak Saleh, Kanako Abe and Ahmed Elgammal
Knowledge Discovery of Artistic Influences:
A Metric Learning Approach

Session 10 – Language/Narrative #1

  Michael R. Smith, Ryan S. Hintze and Dan Ventura
Nehovah: A Neologism Creator Nomen Ipsum  Pablo Gervás and Carlos León
Reading and Writing as a Creative Cycle:
the Need for a Computational Model
  Iván Guerrero Román and Rafael Pérez y Pérez
Social Mexica:
A Computer Model for Social Norms in Narratives
  Carlos León and Pablo Gervás
Creativity in Story Generation From the Ground Up:
Non-deterministic Simulation driven by Narrative

Session 11 – Language/Narrative #2

  Maria Teresa Llano, Rose Hepworth, Simon Colton, Jeremy Gow, John Charnley, Nada Lavrač, Martin Žnidaršič, Matic Perovšek, Mark Granroth-Wilding and Stephen Clark
Baseline Methods for Automated Fictional Ideation  Rafael Pérez y Pérez
The Three Layers Evaluation Model for Computer-Generated Plots  Amitava Das and Björn Gambäck
Poetic Machine: Computational Creativity for Automatic Poetry Generation in Bengali  Tony Veale
Coming Good and Breaking Bad: Generating Transformative Character Arcs For Use in Compelling Stories

Session 12 – High level issues

  Oliver Bown
A Model of Runaway Evolution of Creative Domains  Stephen McGregor, Geraint Wiggins
and Matthew Purver

Computational Creativity: A Philosophical Approach, and an Approach to Philosophy  Colin G. Johnson
Is it Time for Computational Creativity to Grow Up and Start Being Irresponsible?

Session 13 – Late Breaking Papers #1

  D.P. O’Donoghue, H. Saggion, F. Dong, D. Hurley, Y. Abgaz, X. Zheng, O. Corcho, J. J. Zhang, J-M Careil, B. Mahdian and X. Zhao
Towards Dr Inventor:
A Tool for Promoting Scientific Creativity
  Agnese Augello, Ignazio Infantino, Giovanni Pilato, Riccardo Rizzo and Filippo Vella
Combining Representational Domains for Computational Creativity  Anhong Zhang and Rob Saunders
Exploring Conceptual Space in Language Games Using Hedonic Functions  Santiago Negrete-Yankelevich
and Nora Morales-Zaragoza

The Apprentice Framework:
Planning and Assessing Creativity
  Tom De Smedt, Lucas Nijs and Walter Daelemans
Creative Web Services with Pattern

Session 14 – Platforms/Frameworks

  Marco Schorlemmer, Alan Smaill, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Oliver Kutz, Simon Colton, Emilios Cambouropoulos and Alison Pease
COINVENT: Towards a Computational Concept Invention Theory  Oliver Kutz, Fabian Neuhaus, Till Mossakowski
and Mihai Codescu

Blending in the Hub: Towards a Collaborative Concept Invention Platform  Antonio Chella, Salvatore Gaglio, Gianluigi Oliveri, Agnese Augello and Giovanni Pilato
Creativity in Conceptual Spaces  John Charnley, Simon Colton and Maria Teresa Llano
The FloWr Framework: Automated Flowchart Construction, Optimisation and Alteration for Creative Systems

Session 15 – Late Breaking Papers #2

  Nan Shao, Pavankumar Murali and Anshul Sheopuri
New Developments in Culinary Computational Creativity  Ashish Jagmohan, Ying Li, Nan Shao, Anshul Sheopuri, Dashun Wang, Lav R. Varshney
and Pu Huang

Exploring Application Domains for Computational Creativity  Andrés Gómez de Silva Garza and Rafael Pérez y Pérez
Towards Evolutionary Story Generation  Oskar Gross, Jukka M. Toivanen, Sandra Lääne
and Hannu Toivonen

Arts, News, and Poetry – The Art of Framing  Polona Tomašič, Martin Žnidaršič and Gregor Papa
Implementation of a Slogan Generator  Wendy Aguilar and Rafael Pérez y Pérez
Criteria for Evaluating Early Creative Behavior in Computational Agents  Iván M. Laclaustra, José L. Ledesma, Gonzalo Méndez and Pablo Gervás
Kill the Dragon and Rescue the Princess:
Designing a Plan-Based Multi-agent Story Generator
  Simon Colton and Dan Ventura
You Can’t Know my Mind:
A Festival of Computational Creativity