Proceedings now available for download

The full conference proceedings can now be downloaded from the Program page. Note that we will not be providing either hardcopies or thumbdrives onsite. The proceedings will only be distributed online. Since it is a rather large file (~100M), we strongly suggest that you download it prior to arriving at the conference (to avoid lots of simultaneous downloads of such a large file on the hotel network).

Early registration rates will soon expire

If you haven’t yet registered for the conference, please do so soon, like today. After June 15, early registration rates will no longer be available. After that date, regular registration will increase to $520 and student registration will increase to $360. Save some money and register before June 15!

Registration can now be paid by bank transfer

We can now accept bank transfers for registration payment, but we would prefer not to.  If at all possible, please try to use the credit card system.  If you must use a bank transfer, see the Registration page for instructions.  Note that due to lag in receiving funds this way, this option will likely only be available until June 15, so if you must use it, do it soon!

Hotel group rates extended

To better facilitate various schedules, the ICCC group rate for the hotel is now valid from June 24 until well after the conference concludes.  Make  your reservations early to make sure you get them!

Hotel reservation system working

The bug in the TMI reservation system for the ICCC group rate has been fixed.  You can now use the group/promo code “BYUCS” to reserve a room there any time from June 27 onward, it appears.  If you need to arrive earlier than the 27th, please drop them a note, and likely something can be arranged.