
Early Career Symposium

At ICCC’24 we offer junior researchers (typically master’s and Ph.D. students) a chance to present their projects at the conference with or without an accepted paper in one of the main tracks. The Early Career Symposium (ECS) welcomes junior researchers at any stage to submit a summary of their research topic for inclusion in the conference.

The ECS is an interactive workshop intended for junior researchers working on projects in computational creativity. Intended as a platform for growth, it offers junior researchers a venue to present ideas, get feedback on their work and connect to senior researchers in through the workshops mentors program.

The event will take place right before the main conference, as part of ICCC’s workshop program. Accepted participants are asked to hold short presentations together with a poster (ideally in A1), of their submitted proposals and will be assigned a mentor group based on the main topic of the proposal.


Important Dates Doctoral Consortium

  • Deadline: May 10, 2024
  • Conference: June 17 – June 21, 2024



We are excited to announce the participants of the Early Career Symposium at ICCC’24. These talented junior researchers will present their innovative projects and contribute to the vibrant academic discussions at the conference:

Lin de Huybrecht, Vrije Universiteit Brussel – “Subcategorising DisCoCat for Creative Light Verb Construction Generation

Luís Espírito Santo, University of Coimbra/Vrije Universiteit Brussel – “Theoretical Learning Creators and Creative Scientists

Santiago Góngora, Universidad de la República – “Exploring approaches to open-world Interactive Storytelling

Pablo Pérez Benavente, – “WOPE! A tool for poetry composition through metaphoric text generation

Surabhi Nath, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics – “Human and Machine Creativity

Max Peeperkorn, University of Kent – “Creativity, Context, and Large Language Models

Juliana Shihadeh, Santa Clara University – “Gender Bias and CC