
Pre-call for papers

The Organizing Committee is happy to announce that the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Creativity ICCC’21 will be a fully online event to be held on September 14-18, 2021 (Tutorials, Workshops, and Doctoral Consortium on September 14-15, Main Conference on September 16-18, and networking, social activities, and cultural events throughout the week), all within enjoyable virtual spaces with a Mexican theme.

We regret that we will not be able to host conference attendees in person in México City, but we wouldn’t be able to go ahead with planning the conference at this point in time if we didn’t decide on the modality right now, and since there is no way of knowing what conditions will be like a year from now, in the name of caution and for the safety of our community members we have taken the decision of making it a fully virtual conference.

We believe that this modality offers some logistical and financial benefits for the participants, such as not having to worry about potential visas, quarantines, vaccines, accommodation, and other travel-related requirements and costs, as well as lower registration fees.