Welcome to the home of the Association for Computational Creativity. Here you can find information about conferences, books and journals on Computational Creativity, as well as keep up with the latest news and events.


The International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC) is the premier academic forum for researchers.

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Learn about Computational Creativity with recommended books and journals, and our comprehensive bibliography.

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News & Events

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The 16th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC'25) will be held on June 23-27 2025, in Campinas, Brazil.

The call for full papers is open!

Call for venues to organize ICCC’27

The Association for Computational Creativity (ACC) invites all its members and colleagues interested in the field to submit a proposal to organize the International Conference on Computational Creativity in 2027 (ICCC’27).

ACC Steering Committee Vacancies

Vacancies to be filled in the ACC Steering Committee.

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Call for venues to organize ICCC’27

The Association for Computational Creativity (ACC) invites all its members and colleagues interested in the field to submit a proposal to organize the International Conference on Computational Creativity in 2027 (ICCC’27). For ICCC’27, the Association will prioritise proposals to host the conference outside of Europe. However, if no proposal meets the ACC’s requirements, or if […]

ICCC’25 Call for Papers

The 16th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’25) invites full paper submissions on diverse aspects of Computational Creativity (CC). Topics include, but are not limited to, systems with varying creative autonomy, human-AI collaboration, frameworks for understanding creativity, methodologies for building and evaluating CC systems, teaching CC, and fostering societal engagement with the field. We welcome […]

ICCC’24 Call for Papers

The 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’24) is welcoming full paper submissions on different aspects of CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on systems that act as creative partners for human creators, on frameworks that offer greater clarity or computational felicity for thinking about machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies […]

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