Using Machine Learning to Build Musical Instruments in the Browser with MIMIC

An ICCC’21 Tutorial

Interactive Machine Learning (IML) is a great approach for building interactive systems, including new music instruments and their mappings from input to sound. Building browser based tools is useful because Javascript is a fast growing language with low barriers to entry, additionally, browser based tools require little of the installation and dependencies that plague other data science endeavours. Developing code in browsers and embracing technologies such as websockets opens up great opportunities for real time collaboration.

In this tutorial, participants will get to use machine learning to map an input (video, audio, motion…) to output using specially developed libraries and create a new musical instrument all within the MIMIC browser based platform.

No prior knowledge of Machine Learning or Javascript is required.

There will be a simple tutorial of machine learning concepts, followed by an introduction to the website and tools themselves, followed by an open workshop where participants develop their own classifiers and mappings under the guidance of instructors. The tutorial will take place over 3 hours.


You must be registered to attend to main conference to attend, please contact to register as spaces are limited

The tutorial will take place online, as part of the International Conference on Computational Creativity, on September 14-18, 2021.


September 15th 2pm GMT (BST) / 7am PT / 10am ET / 8am Mexico City

Workshop on September 15 2021 at 2pm GMT(BST) / 7am PT / 10am ET / 8am Mexico City

+ 00:00 Intro to tutorial + supervised learning

+ 00:15 Setting up on MIMIC platform

+ 00:30 Classification Exercise Intro

+ 00:40 Classification Exercise

+ 01:20 Classification Exercise Group debrief

+ 01:35 Regression Exercise Intro

+ 01:45 Regression Exercise

+ 02:30 Wrap up + Survey

Important Dates

  • Apply ASAP (limited places available)
  • Current Status -> Places available
  • Workshop on September 15 2021 at 2pm GMT (BST) / 7am PT / 10am ET / 8am Mexico City


To contact the organizers please send an email to