2nd International Conference on Computational Creativity, 2011
Venue --- Photos
Venue: La Casa de la Primera Imprenta
The Autonomous Metropolitan University, Cuajimalpa, is hosting ICCC-11. The conference will take place at La Casa de la Primera Imprenta, where the first printing press in México — and in the Americas — was installed in 1536. The building, now a part of UAM (La Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana or The Autonomous Metropolitan University), features a museum of printing history in addition to conference facilities. La Casa de la Primera Imprenta is located few meters away from the Zocalo, the main square in México City.
We regret that this historic venue is not wheelchair accessible.
Contact email: iccc11 · at · correo.cua.uam.mx
Important Dates
Submissions deadline:
December 13, 2010.
Author's Notification:
February 14, 2011.
Deadline for final camera-ready copies:
March 14, 2011.
ICCC in Mexico City:
April 27-29, 2011.