Report From The Computational Creativity Task Force
The Computational Creativity Task Force was established to support the collective advancement of the computational creativity research community.
Its first report, published in the ICCC’20 Proceedings, presents an exploration of who we are as a community: the authors and program committee members of the International Conference on Computational Creativity.
Read the full report here.
ICCC’20 Proceedings
The ICCC’20 Proceedings are already available! They follow a category-based structure, equal to the sessions in ICCC’20 program: Co-Creativity and Support, Language and Narrative, Visual Creativity, Performance, Music and Poetry, Philosophy and Evaluation and Design and CC.
You can download the Proceedings here.
More info on ICCC’20: here
The steering committee (or SC) is the consultative and deliberative body that guides the association. It is made up of voting members of the association, and they weigh in on most issues of substance regarding the ACC’s role in the CC community.
Notice: Two Vacancies to be filled in the ACC Steering Committee
At present, there are two vacancies on the committee. These are to be filled in an upcoming election. Right now, we are encouraging all voting members of the association who are not currently on the SC to consider putting themselves forward as candidates.
If you voted in the most recent election for chair of the association, then you know you are a voting member. If you were recently granted voting rights by the association after that election, then you too are a voting member, and are eligible to put yourself forward. If you are unsure as to your voting status, please contact the secretary of the association (more below) for clarification.
Ideally, candidates will have a primary research focus on CC, and will be involved in the life of the association or the community. Candidates will have attended recent conferences, be active in the field, and perhaps have contributed to the running or hosting of a community event (or are thinking of doing so).
We want the SC to be as diverse as the community it represents. If you believe your voice should be heard, or that you represent a constituency within the community that is underrepresented at the committee level, then please do consider putting yourself forward as a candidate.
We are accepting candidacy proposals from now until midnight, March 15th, and the election will be held shortly afterwards. Please indicate your intention to stand as a candidate by email, to the secretary of the association:
Call for venues to organize ICCC’22
The Association for Computational Creativity (ACC) invites all its members and any colleagues interested in the area to send a proposal for organising the 13th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC22). For this call, the Association will favour those proposals to host the Conference outside North America; however, if none of them satisfies the ACC’s requirements, bids inside North America will also be considered. The deadline for submitting proposals is the 20th of May, 2020. The Hosting bid guidelines can be found here:
To express interest or for any questions, please contact the secretary of the ACC, Dan Ventura, or its chair, Tony Veale.
Call for venues to organize ICCC21
ICCC19 Call for Papers
The Call for Papers for ICCC19 has been published. You can check it out at
MEXICA: 20 YEARS-20 STORIES [20 AÑOS-20 HISTORIAS] contains 20 short narratives developed by the computer program MEXICA. This is the first book of short-stories produced completely by a creative agent capable of evaluating and making judgments about its own work, as well as incorporating into its knowledge-base the pieces it produces. The book, in both Spanish and English, also includes source references related to the program.
ICCC’19 Organization
The Association for Computational Creativity invites all its members and colleagues interested in the area to send a proposal for organising the 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC19). The deadline for submitting proposals is the 3th of June, 2017. If you are interested please write to Dan Ventura (secretary)