Call for venues to organize ICCC’27
March 10, 2025

The Association for Computational Creativity (ACC) invites all its members and colleagues interested in the field to submit a proposal to organize the International Conference on Computational Creativity in 2027 (ICCC’27).

For ICCC’27, the Association will prioritise proposals to host the conference outside of Europe. However, if no proposal meets the ACC’s requirements, or if an outstanding European proposal is submitted, it will also be considered.

The hosting bid guidelines can be found here:

To express interest in submission, or for feedback or any other queries, please directly contact the secretary of the ACC, João M. Cunha, its chair, Dan Ventura, or through the e-mail

ICCC’25 Call for Papers
December 4, 2024

The 16th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’25) invites full paper submissions on diverse aspects of Computational Creativity (CC). Topics include, but are not limited to, systems with varying creative autonomy, human-AI collaboration, frameworks for understanding creativity, methodologies for building and evaluating CC systems, teaching CC, and fostering societal engagement with the field. We welcome contributions showcasing creative AI in areas like art, music, and design, exploring human-AI co-creativity, addressing social and ethical impacts, or examining psychological factors in creativity. Submissions may present new ideas, innovative systems, creative projects, or even multidisciplinary efforts, interdiscplinary approaches or even transdiciplinary research capable of bringing new perspectives on the future of AI and creativity.
ICCC’25 invites all researchers, practitioners, and innovators to submit their work and contribute to advancing the field of Computational Creativity.

Important dates:
  • Abstracts due: February 21, 2025
  • Submissions due: February 28, 2025
  • Acceptance notification: April 11, 2025
  • Camera-ready copies due: May 2, 2025
  • Conference: June 23–27, 2025

Check all the necessary information at:

ICCC’24 Call for Papers
November 17, 2023

The 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’24) is welcoming full paper submissions on different aspects of CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on systems that act as creative partners for human creators, on frameworks that offer greater clarity or computational felicity for thinking about machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies for building or evaluating CC systems, on approaches to teaching CC in schools and universities or to promoting societal uptake of CC as a field and as a technology, and so on.

Important dates:
  • Abstracts due: February 21, 2024
  • Submissions due: February 28, 2024
  • Acceptance notification: April 21, 2024
  • Camera-ready copies due: May 12, 2024
  • Conference: June 17-21, 2024

More information:

ICCC’23 Proceedings
October 15, 2023

The ICCC’23 Proceedings are available!

You can download the Proceedings here.

More info on ICCC’23: here

Call for venues to organize ICCC
May 7, 2023

The Association for Computational Creativity (ACC) invites all its members and any colleagues interested in the area to submit a proposal for organising the International Conference on Computational Creativity in 2024 (ICCC’24) and 2025 (ICCC’25).

For ICCC’24, the Association will favour proposals to host the conference within Europe; however, if no submission satisfies the ACC’s requirements, or we receive a truly exceptional submission, bids outside Europe will also be considered.

For ICCC’25, the Association will favour proposals to host the conference outside Europe.

The hosting bid guidelines can be found here:

To express interest in submission, or for feedback or any other queries, please directly contact the secretary of the ACC, Dan Ventura, its chair, Tony Veale, or through the e-mail

ICCC’22 Proceedings
October 5, 2022

The ICCC’22 Proceedings are available!

You can download the Proceedings here.

More info on ICCC’22: here

ICCC’21 Proceedings
October 20, 2021

The ICCC’21 Proceedings are available!

You can download the Proceedings here.

More info on ICCC’21: here

Call for venues to organize ICCC’23
October 5, 2021

The Association for Computational Creativity (ACC) invites all its members and any colleagues interested in the area to send a proposal for organising the 14th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’23). For this call, the Association will favour those proposals to host the conference outside Europe; however, if none of them satisfies the ACC’s requirements, bids inside Europe will also be considered. The deadline for submitting proposals is the 15th of December, 2021.

The hosting bid guidelines can be found here:

To express interest or for any questions, please contact the secretary of the ACC, Dan Ventura, or its chair, Tony Veale.

Convocation to ACC General Assembly 2021
September 22, 2021

The convocation, in line with our constitution as defined in Portuguese law, is formally from 14:00 CET, Friday 1st October.
The assembly will begin its business at 15:00 CET. Location: on-line, members should request access details from chair.


  1. General information
  2. Reports of Activities 20-21 and Plans for 21-22, deliberations
    1. Chair of SC
    2. ICCC ’21
    3. ICCC ‘22
    4. JCC
  3. Uniformity of reviewing process in ICCC – proposal and discussion
    (Paper to be circulated prior to event, time permitting.)
  4. Any other business
  5. Close of meeting
ACC statement: Remembering Bob Keller
October 31, 2020

The Association of Computational Creativity are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Professor Robert M. Keller, who passed away on September 13th 2020.

Bob gave so much to the computational creativity community, as a good friend and mentor to many and a strong supporter of our conference series (ICCC). Bob was a regular participant in our conferences ever since they started back in 2010, as well as in workshops prior to the conference series. He always had something to contribute with papers, demos, posters and conversations, and was always available to review.

He was also a great person. It was always wonderful to hear what he’d been up to and to have the pleasure of his intelligent and entertaining company. We loved to see him with his wife Noel, who joined us for many social events.

Bob worked on the Impro-Visor system for many years, and this work was of huge significance in computational creativity research.

Bob’s Impro-Visor system is one of the main contributions in computational jazz improvisation. Here is a fascinating video of when Bob and Impro-Visor met up with Al Biles and Biles’s GenJam system for a jam:

Of course, because he wanted to help rather than compete, Impro-Visor teaches students, as well as having options to solo, accompany, trade fours, etc. Rather like Bob himself, in fact.

We will remember Bob at our next ICCC conference (Mexico, 2021), recognising his contributions and celebrating his memory.

The world will be a poorer place without Bob Keller. He was a kind, genuine, delightful person and he will certainly be missed.



If you wish to record your own personal tribute to Bob, there is an “In Memorium” page set up by Harvey Mudd College [1], with tributes pouring in from past colleagues, students and friends. This memorial page also notes that:
“The family requests that contributions in Bob’s honor be made to the Jazz Education Network’s Scholarship Program, the American Brain Tumor Association, and the Sierra Club Foundation.”


[1] In Memoriam: Harvey Mudd Remembers Bob Keller
Harvey Mudd College

[2] In memoriam: Robert Keller, Harvey Mudd Computer Science Professor
The Student Life (the newspaper of the Claremont colleges)

[3] Bob Keller RIP
John Elliott, jazz musician and friend of Bob’s

We remember Bob’s contributions to computational creativity research events:

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